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Our Policies

Parent Handbook 

Parent Communication & Involvement


We encourage regular communication between parents and staff. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher before or after school. Teachers may also send home written observations. A written progress report and formal conference will be offered each year to discuss your child’s growth and development.

We encourage you to volunteer for the preschool. Every August, positions on the Preschool Board of Director’s will be open to parents. Serving on the Board is an excellent way to get involved in your child’s education. Positions open to parents include Secretary, Property & Equipment, Fundraising, Publicity, and Parent Involvement & Communication.




Fundraising events provide money for additional equipment and supplies for your child. While you are not required to help with the fundraisers, your assistance is appreciated and directly contributes to the success of our program. We typically have multiple fundraisers throughout the school year.

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Our artwork display above the children's cubbies

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures



All classes begin at 9:00am. 


Parents enter the building and sign IN their child.  Each child can put their belongings in their own cubby in the hallway.  A teacher(s) will greet you and your child at the classroom door at 9:00AM and your child will enter the room ready to learn.  


All classes dismiss at 12:00 noon.


Parents enter the building and sign OUT their child.  At 12:00 the classroom door will open and children will be released individually.  Your child will ONLY be released into your custody or the designated person(s) listed on the registration form.

Typical Illness Procedure


Please call the preschool office if your child will be absent from school. It is important that your child stay home if s/he is ill. Not only is it difficult for your child to enjoy the planned activities, but our school has a responsibility to limit exposure to other children. Please do not send your child to school if s/he has any of the following: a fever of 100° Fahrenheit or above; recent diarrhea; vomiting, rash, or discharge from the eye, ear, or nose. Your child must be fever-free, without the use of fever-reducing medications for 24 hours before returning to school. If your child becomes ill during the morning at preschool, you will be contacted immediately. It is expected that your child will be picked up as soon as possible. If you are not available, the adults listed on your child’s emergency list will be contacted to pick up your child.   




Medication will be kept in a locked cupboard out of reach of the children. Non-prescription medication must be in a labeled container with directions included. Prescription medicine must be in the original container and have a pharmacy label. You must have a written permission form on file with the prescription and non-prescription medicine. You will be informed if medication is given to your child.

Medical Emergencies
All of our personnel are trained in first aid procedures. There will always be one staff member on duty that is trained in CPR. In a serious emergency, 911 will be first called, and then you will be notified. If you’re unavailable, the person listed on your emergency medical form will be notified.

Winter Weather


It’s SNOW much fun to go outside in winter weather! Our preschool classes will go outside when the weather is sunny and near 25-30 degrees ("feels like" temperature). Please check the weather everyday you have preschool. Make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the colder weather. A hat, mittens or gloves, boots and snow pants are needed for going outside to play. Please remember to bring a set of indoor shoes if your child wears boots to school.

Going outside can be so much fun and healthy for us all too! Think of all the snow people and snow angels we can make! Thanks for your cooperation!


Preschool Closings:
Just in case we get that once-a-year blizzard here is what to do!

Tiny Treasures Preschool typically closes when Woodland School District #50 closes. Check out their website at: We will send an early morning email to all families in the event of a school closure.

Guidance & Discipline Policy


The goal of Tiny Treasures Preschool is to establish an atmosphere in which the children will feel safe, secure, happy, and have the maximum opportunity to learn.  To accomplish this goal, we have developed a guidance & discipline policy as specified by DCFS, (Department of Child & Family Services), to be followed by licensed & licensed exempt childcare facilities.


Classroom rules will be posted in the class and shared with the students and parents. Here are the classroom rules 

  • We listen to each other.

  • We share with other.

  • We care about each other’s feelings.

  • We take care of our toys.

  • Hands are for helping - not for hurting.

  • Personal toys are kept safely at home.


Our methods of discipline are listed as follows, though they are not necessarily used in this order. We always choose the method of discipline that is most appropriate for the particular situation.

  • Redirection of the behavior.

  • Speaking to the child and explaining why his or her behavior is not acceptable.

  • Discipline of children will be carried out in a positive and firm manner.  Example: saying, “hands are not for hurting, hands are for helping.”

  • Occasionally the behavior requires calling the parents immediately to discuss what should be done or for a parent to talk to the child by telephone (such as uncontrollable crying or screaming).

  • Removal from the group for brief amounts of time may be used (after explanation of why the behavior is not acceptable.  No more than one minute per year of age). This is not a punishment but to help them calm down and regroup. We use love & reassurance and tell the child that while the behavior is not acceptable the child is absolutely worthy of love & acceptance!

  • Time out, (a “chill out time”), in the office talking with the director about the unacceptable behavior. This is a time to regroup, encouraging positive behavior with love & support! You can do it!

  • In extreme cases, the parent is called to come and pick up the child.

  • Guidance will be consistent in its application.

If problematic behavior continues, the teachers will meet with the parents to find a solution that would be in the best interest of the child and the class.  If a resolution cannot be reached, the issue may be taken to the Preschool Board for further discussion.


We want you to understand that the following types of discipline will NEVER exist in our preschool:


  • Any form of punishment for toilet accidents.

  • Corporal punishment, including hitting, spanking, swatting, beating, shaking, pinching, and other measures intended to induce physical pain or fear

  • Threatened or actual withdrawal of food, rest, or use of the bathroom

  • Abusive or profane language

  • Any form of public or private humiliation, including threats of physical punishments

  • Any form of emotional abuse, including shaming, rejecting, terrorizing, or isolating a child

In the event of a child intentionally harming another person, a parent will be called immediately to pick up their child.


Please Note:  Three reports of intentional physical harm documented by the director, could result in dismissal from school.


This behavior program can only be successful if all of us, at school and at home, work together. Thank-you for your support and cooperation.

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